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5 Keys to Turnkey Real Estate Investing

If you’re planning to invest in turnkey real estate, there’s a lot you need to learn. An investment property is a lot more complex than investing in stocks and due to the legal, financial, and other requirements involved. Therefore, it is a good idea to educate yourself before you make your first turnkey real estate…

2019 Real Estate Investment Trends

Looking for 2019 real estate investment trends? Real estate has become a common investment vehicle, with plenty of opportunities for making a profit. But, buying and owning real estate can be challenging if you don’t know what you’re doing or if you try to go it alone. But that doesn’t mean it should be avoided….

Why 2019 is the Perfect Time for Real Estate Investing

If you think you missed the boat on turnkey real estate investment, think again. As the economy grows, 2019 is the perfect time to look at turnkey real estate investments that provide you with the opportunity to add another revenue source to your asset portfolio. Turnkey investments are a passive form of investing that can…

How to Create a Passive Real Estate Investment Business

We all work hard, and we’re always looking for additional ways to make money. Extra income is certainly helpful during our working years, but it’s especially essential after retirement — when every dollar coming in and going out needs to be more carefully managed. While we’d love to have extra money coming in, this doesn’t…

How to Support Your Real Estate Property Management Team

Buy a property, rent it out, and put it to work for you. It’s an investor’s dream, right? What many new real estate investors aren’t prepared for, however, is the work involved with suddenly becoming a landlord. This includes handling rental contracts, payments, managing repairs, and property maintenance, as well as negotiating problems that may…

The Pros and Cons of Buying Occupied Investment Properties

Savvy investors have long turned to real estate as a solid way to build long-term wealth. Some purchase properties and remodel them on the chance that they may be able to flip them for a higher price. Others use a more long term investment strategy of buying turnkey rental properties and renting them out to…

Turnkey Real Estate vs. Stocks: Which Investment is Better for Your Financial Future?

Working your day-to-day job pays the bills, but if you’re hoping to generate additional income or are looking towards retirement in a few years, investing is an excellent way to put your money to work for you and help you meet your goals faster. Over the years, a great debate has raged on: is it better to buy stocks…

Smartland September Newsletter

September Newsletter News Employee Spotlight Featured Review Available Rentals Chance to Earn $300-$600 News The last several weeks have been extremely busy for the entire Smartland Team. From acquiring a new apartment building to painting several new murals and installing banners all throughout Cleveland. We acquired Breakwater Tower Apartments, a 112 unit apartment community located at 14100 Lakeshore…

Know Before You Buy: How to Create a Turnkey Real Estate Investing Plan

You wouldn’t start any other business without a plan, and real estate investing is no different. If you’re considering purchasing real estate to rent out or sell later, here’s how to make an effective real estate investing plan. 5 Tips for Creating a Turkey Real Estate Investing Plan 1. Figure Out Your Goals The very…

Where (and How) to Find Turnkey Investment Properties For Sale

Real estate investment on reality TV is easy. A couple purchases a beat-up and absurdly low-priced home, fix it up quickly with very few delays, and sell it for a huge profit. Real-life real estate doesn’t often work that way, which is why savvy investors have started putting their money into turnkey properties that are…

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